You should use a render accelerator

With all the advantages it offers new builds, rendering has become very popular in the UK. Homeowners love using it to enhance a structure’s overall aesthetics. Besides this, it supplies insulation and durability for your walls. If you are looking at applying render to your home, talk to us and work with the best plasterers in Sheffield.

To get the finest results here you’ll need the right mix of materials and tools. In some scenarios, you will also require a render accelerator. This is a liquid additive capable of accelerating the rendering process. The quantity you must add will depend on the manufacturer’s recommendations. What we are going to do is talk about the specific reasons why you should use an accelerator.

Less time waiting

Plasterers SheffieldOne of the most important reasons is that it reduces the wait time. Rendering can take time to cure, depending on what materials you are utilising. For example, lime is the traditional choice for older structures. It can take between two to four weeks to dry. Classic cement renders have a longer waiting time, taking up to a month to cure.

However, there are some options that have faster drying periods. Examples include silicone and acrylic. With the latter, the render can cure in a couple of days. As for the other, it normally needs a day.

It is true that specific renders can set relatively rapidly. But, there are factors like weather conditions that influence how quickly it will happen. For this reason, rendering in bad weather isn’t a good idea.

Introducing a render accelerator to the mix can hasten the drying process. It will allow you to keep on track with your deadline. Get in touch with us if you need help from the best plasterers Sheffield has.

Complete jobs faster

Another important reason why we use accelerators is that they allow for faster job completion. As we said above, they will speed up the curing process. So, you will be able to finish your projects at a far quicker rate.

You will also save time because the accelerators let you scrape the render at an earlier point. Scraping is normally necessary when you’re creating texture finishes. It consists of you using a scraping float to take away as much as 2mm of aggregate from the whole surface. You apply light, circular motions to provide the finish with an even aesthetic.

The timing of when to complete this stage is critical. You are best off doing it after your render has set but not entirely hardened. Typically, scraping is something you can do the day after the application. Using an accelerator, you can expedite the procedure. You can do it the same day you apply the last coat.

Performance and appearance

The last reason we’ll go over is that accelerators don’t affect render performance or appearance. They are usually designed with the finish in mind. You can introduce an accelerator easily without worrying about any changes. Your render should work correctly, giving your exterior walls more protection.

The quicker drying times also mean you won’t have to handle problems due to slow curing rates. One problem is cracks in the exterior walls. They can happen relatively easily with renders that take a long time to cure. But, they are less likely if you use an accelerator.

Another problem that comes with slow drying times is lime bloom. This appears as a white discolouration. By using render accelerators, you can stop it from happening. You do so by guaranteeing quicker water evaporation.

We offer the best services and prices if you need plasterers in Sheffield

At G Lee Plastering, we have been assisting local clients for more than three decades. During this time, we’ve provided a myriad of first rate services. Our team can perform rendering and plastering for any needs, including repairs and new installations. The prices for our services are also extremely competitive.

So, please get in contact if you’d like to work with the finest plasterers Sheffield has. We’ll make sure surfaces look fantastic.