Cleanliness is the key to great plastering

Locating tradesmen you can depend on can be a challenge, but we are a team that aims to satisfy its customers every time. People consider us one of the leading plasterers Sheffield has available. Having operated for over three decades, we’re confident that we can give you the results you’re looking for.

Plasterers SheffieldMany think of plastering as an art form these days because it takes such precision. Since this is the case, you deserve to have it done correctly. However, not everyone knows which approaches are the best ones. This is something we want to change. To this end, we’ve produced some helpful advice on plastering for you to read below.

Keep it clean

If there’s one thing you should know, it’s that cleanliness is the way to achieve a faultless finish. Whenever there are contaminants inside your plaster, it will either go off or set too rapidly. Because the job is a race against time, anything that cuts into it will cause you to work more rather than less. As such, it’s a false economy to neglect washing your utensils and buckets as you progress; you’ll save time not doing it but could lose more in the long run.

Be careful with clumps of plaster

Additionally, even the smallest speck of dried plaster from another mixture is enough to generate drags and pulls in your finish. Imagine just having perfected a stroke only for you to dredge a line straight back to your plasterboard once you reach your next one. This shall prove especially frustrating during the later plastering phases.

If the water you’re using isn’t clear enough to drink and your tools aren’t clean enough to eat with, then don’t use them. Instead, take the time to make sure they are free of any dried plaster or other contaminants.

We can perform a wide array of rendering and plastering services for our clients. They have proven beneficial for both domestic and commercial properties. We consider ourselves to be very prompt and punctual, meaning that we won’t leave you waiting for long after you call us.

If you would like to work with the best plasterers Sheffield has to offer, please get in touch. We can provide the perfect solution for you, ensuring a decorative, high quality finish.